By the grace of God, being redeemed from unmeaningful and destructive life on May 1980. Since then he was walking in pursuit of God’s purpose. He was graduated from Dallas Baptist University – Texas USA with a Bachelor’s degree; and a Master’s degree with Tyndale Theological Seminary – Texas USA. Worked as an assistant pastor for a few years in Bali under the leadership of Ps. Timotius Arifin (Bethany Denpasar).
Pioneered an Indonesian church in Perth – Australia on 1995; and on October 1999 in approaching the new millenium God has put a new mandate to pastor another church in Brisbane – Queensland (Australia); with a vision and a mission from above, ready to bring God’s people into their destiny.
“Love touches the people” is a motto of his ministry and lifestyle. He and his wife, Anneke, have three children; Tiffany, Timothy and Nathan David. They reside in Carindale – Brisbane (Australia).